The Press
AMSTERDAM (ANP) – The Dutch are about to revive the story of The Elephant Man. The TEM Foundation and Affolter Productions are making their own musical out of it, which is to be performed ten times in October at The Sun House in Amsterdam. The idea is to eventually go on a national and international tour with this production about the Englishman Joseph Merrick (1862-1890), who was deformed by colossal lumps on his head and handicapped.
In 1980 David Lynch’s film of the story with John Hurt in the leading role captivated audiences all across the globe. In this new theatre version, quite grand with a cast of eleven on stage and twelve musicians, the role of Merrick is to be played by all-round entertainer Mathieu van den Berk. Lucie de Lange is Queen Victoria. Initiator Frank Affolter is directing and composing the music for the songs. Lars Boom is writing the script. Like the lyrics for the songs, the script is to be new and different. In the musical, various of the people who chaperone Merrick and/or use him as a circus attraction are merged into one character played by Jochem Feste Roozemond. Affolter wants to make short shrift of the prejudices featured in the film. “The manager of the Elephant Man who was portrayed as all evil, the doctor who was all good and Merrick himself who was just pathetic.”
Subliminally Affolter wants to address all the prejudices people have against other people. At the same time, the musical poses questions about how the media put people on exhibit who are having a hard time. Affolter first got the idea for a Dutch version of The Elephant Man a decade ago. It was when he saw a programme about the Indonesian Tree Man, who had so many scaly warts his skin looked like the bark of a tree, and also an interview with the mother of two children who were not growing. “The use of people like that by today’s media is sometimes a virtual circus. You ought to be careful with them,” Affolter says.
He makes a point of wanting to keep the admission down to twenty-five euros. “People ought to be able to go to the theatre six or seven times a year, that is what I think, ” he adds.
Barenda Grutterink, reporter
Dat script wordt net als de liedteksten nieuw en anders. Zo worden verschillende mensen die Merrick begeleidden en of gebruikten als circusattractie, in de musical samengebracht in één persoon, gespeeld door Jochem Feste Roozemond. Affolter wil afrekenen met de vooroordelen uit de film: ,,De manager van de olifantman die alleen maar slecht zou zijn, de dokter die alleen maar goed is en Merrick zelf die alleen maar zielig is.¨
Onderhuids wil Affolter meteen alle vooroordelen jegens anderen aankaarten. Tegelijk moet de musical vragen stellen bij het tonen door media van mensen die het in het leven tegenzit. Affolter kwam tien jaar geleden al op de gedachte voor een Nederlandse Elephant Man-voorstelling. Dat was bij het zien van een programma over de Indonesische ‘boomman’, die zoveel wratten had dat hij deels op een boomstam leek, en ook door een tv-interview met de moeder van twee kinderen die niet groeiden. ,,Het gebruik van dit soort mensen door hedendaagse media is soms ook net circus. Daar moet je voorzichtig mee zijn”, aldus Affolter.
Hij benadrukt nog dat hij de entreeprijzen op 25 euro wil houden. ,,Mensen moeten ieder jaar zes of zeven keer naar het theater kunnen, daar sta ik voor”, zegt hij.
Barenda Grutterink, verslaggeefster